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The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
Creating Radical Honesty in Organizations

In any interpersonal relationship, either in personal or professional life, the element of truth acts as a two-edged sword. Individuals may establish a basis for cooperation by being truthful that paves way for a strong foundation for everlasting relationships. On the other hand, being truthful may also destroy cooperation. It is not difficult to see how much more complicated it would be to accommodate effort in business and social life if we were to freely confess our likes and dislikes of others, our conflicts, and our negative and positive evaluation of others. The question is: Do today’s global organizations1 have any communication system that is designed to give a free rein to open flow of information to employees and facilitate communication between management and employees and vice versa that facilitates ‘radical honesty’ (Rob and Gareth, 2013) as a part of organization’s culture?


When individuals join various organizations, irrespective of the role, responsibility and rank, he/she may contemplate, ‘Would this job allow me to truly say what I think? I needed to be myself to deliver the best results’. Employees believe that their ‘dream organization’ does not mislead, stonewall, warp, or gyrate. They are aware that they are working in a global village that is connected by Facebook,2 LinkedIn,3 WikiLeaks4 and Twitter.5 They perceive to remain safe in their relationships by sharing the truth even before it is shared by someone else. And at the same time, employees expect that the managers, colleagues as well the management of the organizations respect the employees’ need to know what’s really going on so that they can do their jobs without deviation. This need is more obviously pronounced specifically in unstable environments where it is already difficult to keep everyone aligned, and where employees at all levels are being asked to think and behave as entrepreneurs. Organizations must authentically appreciate that barriers to what is termed as ‘radical honesty’, i.e., candid, complete, clear and timely communication, are multitude.


Soft Skills Journal, Radical Honesty, Organizationsm, Honest Organization, Building Block, Honest Communication.